R.A.W CLASH announce BIG changes going into 2023!!!

R.A.W CLASH have announced that it will be discontinuing the monthly 'Tweet Clash' events, in favour of bi-monthly clash cards, kicking off with next months upcoming 'Champion Of Champions' card!!! Clashes will now take place every January, March, May, July, September and November. They've also announced that cards held in January, May, July and November will be on the last Thursday of those months, moving away from there previous Saturday night slots, with an 8pm start time. They've also announced that their March card (the only one being held on a Friday night) will be hosted via the 2300 Wrestling Facebook group and it will be titled 'The Big Ass Extreme Clash'!!! The Facebook card will be held on March 10th. This card will also be over a 48-hour period instead of 24-hours like the others. The 'Champion Of Champions' card will be announced very soon so make sure to look out for it!!!