Ring Of Honor's 'Jay Briscoe Tribute and Celebration Of Life' Show (Full Show)

Before WarnerMedia/Discovery relaxed their policy on the Briscoe's even being mentioned on AEW television Tony Khan put together a tribute show to Jay Briscoe, under the Ring Of Honor banner, after last weeks television taping.

The show is now available to watch, on the Ring Of Honor YouTube channel, in its entirety.

Last night also saw Mark Briscoe defeat, longtime rival/friend, Jay Lethal on AEW 'Dynamite' in an emotional tribute to late brother.

It's good to know that WarnerMedia/Discovery listened to the fans and agreed to let AEW pay a proper tribute, to the Ring Of Honor legend, on their national programming.

Watch the tribute show here - Ring Of Honor's 'Jay Briscoe Tribute and Celebration Of Life' (Full Show)

Also watch Mark Briscoe and Jay Lethal pay tribute to Jay Briscoe on AEW 'Dynamite' - Mark Briscoe vs. Jay Lethal on AEW 'Dynamite'


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