End Of An Era: United Elementz to close after over a decade!!! 

September 8th, 2024, will mark the end of United Elementz time as an active, online based, brand as their main group hub, on Facebook, will officially close after over a decade on the platform. 

United Elementz Network's Bandcamp closed, back on June 23rd, whilst the Mixcloud and Soundcloud platforms were quietly closed the week before. These closures marked the end of United Elementz, 10 year, run as an online music distributor. 

The United Elementz team have said "We feel that United Elementz as an active, online based, brand, has had it's time and, to be totally honest, it's had a pretty decent run of supporting artists, DJ's, Graffiti Artists and Breakdancers, over the years, however the brand's initial purpose of getting local individuals, from Hip-Hop's four core elements, to network hasn't been present for a number of years now and without that in place we didn't see any need for the name to continue under that model". 

The plan has actually been in place since late 2023 however it wasn't until after the brand's '10th Anniversary Week', back in March, that the decision was made easier to go through with as it was considered the perfect way to start the end of it's online journey. 

However United Elementz will not be left to die as it will be re-purposed as a 'Legacy' brand with their new main hub now being the Heritage Collection currently held at Jersey Heritage!!! 

The majority of music releases, from the Network's platforms, will be put into the United Elementz Heritage Collection and the brand will be focusing it's attention on capturing recordings, and events, by adding them, to the collection, for future generations to enjoy!!! 

Basically if you want to want to check out the island's rich Hip-Hop history just contact Jersey Heritage at enquires@jerseyheritage.org and quote L/D/166.

As the saying goes "when one door closes, another one opens". 

On one final note the team at United Elementz would like to personally thank every single person who has supported United Elementz, whether through music releases or sharing through the group, over the last decade as the support has kept it going for a lot longer and this move is one, that they feel, will keep the United Elementz name going for decades to come.


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